FacultyWeb Assignment Sorting - As you add assignments, are you frustrated with the student names scrolling off the left side of the screen? Try this: In the Grade Book Setup, change Assignment Sorting to "In Order They Were Added (Descending)." That will cause the most recent assignment to appear next to the students' names.
Web Document End Date - When uploading a Web Document for your class, be sure to set the End Date to a future date. If you keep the default End Date, your document will only be available for one day!
Web Documents "Gotcha" - When uploading a Web Document, be sure the filename does not contain any special characters like ? or #. It will appear to upload successfully, but the document may not display in ParentsWeb. Numbers, spaces, and the underscore character _ are all OK.
Copy Yourself in E-Mail - There is no Sent folder in RenWeb. When you send an e-mail, send a copy to yourself for reference. In FacultyWeb, just click on your name once in the Carbon Copy list on the Create Message page. In the RenWeb desktop program, check the Carbon Self box on the message setup screen.